Nature | Colours from my Garden
Hello all!
I was feeling a bit creative this afternoon so I got my camera and macro lens out.
Here are some of the colours from my garden this afternoon <3
One of my cactus plants getting ready to flower - I will have to make sure I get the camera out again once it blooms!
A bromeliad that's turned a bit pink from getting some sunshine. (Yes - lots of my plants have spikes and I quite often have battle scars from them hehe).
I love the vibrant green of this fern.
This little guy was a Christmas present :D So this is it's first time in front of my camera. He wasn't even camera shy! :P
The side of my wheelbarrow that some of my cacti collection lives in.
I think this one is even spikier than it looks! Does anyone want to volunteer to re-pot it for me? :P
And last but not least, a gerbra flower. They are so delicate if you look at them closely!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a snippet of my garden!
Bindi :)